Pulaski County, Missouri has a little bit of everything, in fact, there’s more than you thought in Pulaski. We took the misconception that there’s not much to do there and ran with it, creating a video that with plenty of real facts about Pulaski County, and plenty of whatever you call facts that aren’t facts at all. In the end we made a piece that invites people to come to an area they may have underestimated.
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quick analysis
The challenge with this video is that they wanted to showcase the breadth of everything Pulaski County has to offer and trying to cram a lot of information into a video can zap the comedic potential. That is, unless you make it the game of the video—we’re going to show you everything, quickly and cleverly. Every element shows something to do there and has an accompanying quick joke. The biggest joy for us in this video was Bruce, the “hawk” that makes a very early appearance hinting to the viewer that they should stick around, you don’t know what might happen in this one.